Most delivery questions can be answered by reading our Our shipping policy

Wondering how long shipping takes? Or what your fastest shipping options are? Are you worried your package may be lost or stolen? Click below to read our shipping policy. 

All the information you need for product returns can be found in our return policy

Is your product damaged or defective? Or just don’t like your new sex toy? Read your options in our return policy. 

Your package will absolutely be discreet. The plain packaging and shipping label with have no indication of where the package originated. Have no fear about this!

Most orders ship either the same day or the next business day. Please allow 24 hours to receive your tracking email. 

In some cases, the email with tracking info will land in your junk mail folder. Please check your junk mail first and contact us if you haven’t received the tracking email after 24 hours. 

While we don’t personally deliver your package, we really want you to receive it. If you feel like your package has been lost or stolen please contact us and we’ll do our best to accommodate you. But always follow tracking closely and take the right steps to ensure you receive your package. 

Adult X Toys will only work on a replacement if the product is damaged or defective. Please read our Return Policy for more information.